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Damar resin is obtained from the sap of trees in the Dipterocarpaceae family, primarily found in Southeast Asia. It is  cultivated for their treasured incense, which is also known as cat-eye resin in some regions.


Damar resin has a light, fresh, and somewhat citrusy scent when burned. It emits a subtle, uplifting fragrance with a crisp, clean aroma. Damar resin is bright, joyful and cleansing with fragrant sweet notes.


Damar was originally used for lighting torches which is why it is considered the bringer of light- lifting spirits from gloom and despair. It is known to lift the spirit and is known for bringing light into the darkness. It is especially powerful for alleviating sadness and bringing joyful energy to melancholy. When burned Damar creates a holy smoke that clears negative energies and helps connect with higher consciousness and spiritual realms. 


In certain indigenous practices, damar was used as part of offerings or fire ceremonies to connect with higher spiritual realms or invoke blessings from deities. Temples in regions like Indonesia and Malaysia incorporated damar resin as part of their incense offerings. In some Hindu rituals, damar was included in incense blends. It is used in Buddhist temples for promoting clarity of mind and purity of intention during meditation and prayer.